You are seeing Bangladesh food system dashboard - Click on each of the 5 components below to see the detailed figures.

The five food system components compared to the world average



50-64% of all indicators for Drivers are doing better than the same indicators in the rest of the World

Actors and activities


65-84% of all indicators for Actors and activities are doing better than the same indicators in the rest of the World

Food environment


50-64% of all indicators for Food environment are doing better than the same indicators in the rest of the World

Consumer behavior


25-49% of all indicators for Consumer behavior are doing better than the same indicators in the rest of the World



50-64% of all indicators for Outcomes are doing better than the same indicators in the rest of the World

Food system drivers Are the major factors known to directly influence the activities or the actors of the food systems. They include factors such as technological innovations, climate change, growing concerns about food safety, population growth or urbanization and changes in life style.

Food system actors and activities Include five major types of activities and their actors: food production, storage and distribution, food processing and packaging, and retail and marketing.

Food Environment Refers to the different interacting processes that directly influence key characteristics of food, including their availability, quality, affordability or safety.

Consumer behavior Refers not only to what people choose to buy and to eat but also people’s taste and preference, their socio-economic characteristics (for instance their income or education level) as well as their cultural identities (“who they are”)

Food system outcomes Can be grouped into four major categories: the environmental, nutrition and health, economic and social impacts of food systems. Those different outcomes are generally characterized by trade-offs and many of the key decisions that are made by policy makers need to account for those trade-offs to avoid unintended consequences.


Geographic neighbors
Countries with similar GDP per capita
World average

Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal.
Angola, India, Kenya, Nicaragua.
GDP per capita growth (2011 - 2020)
annual % growth
Proxy for changes in consumer income
5.3 2011
2.5 2020
-2.8 difference
Deteriorate But doing better than the world average
Urban population growth (2011 - 2020)
annual % growth
Proxy for changes in urbanization and consumer lifestyle
3.6 2011
3 2020
-0.6 difference
Improve But doing worse than the world average
FDI inflows to Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (2009 - 2018)
% of total FDI
Proxy for changes in international private investments in food system
1.7 2009
0.5 2018
-1.2 difference
Deteriorate And doing worse than the world average
Food exports (2006 - 2015)
% of merchandise exports
Proxy for changes in trade policies
5.9 2006
2.7 2015
-3.2 difference
Deteriorate And doing worse than the world average
Temperature change (2011 - 2020)
C degrees
Proxy for changes in climate
0.3 2011
1.1 2020
0.8 difference
Deteriorate But doing better than the world average
Nutrient nitrogen N (2010 - 2019)
Proxy for change in technological innovations
135 2010
150.9 2019
15.9 difference
Improve And doing better than the world average
Modern grocery retailers per 100,000 inhabitants (2017 - 2018)
Number per 100k inhabitants
Proxy for extent of modernization in food retail
0.3 2017
0.3 2018
0 difference
Unchanged But doing worse than the world average
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (2011 - 2020)
% of GDP
Proxy for extent of food processing in country
16.8 2011
12.9 2020
-3.9 difference
Deteriorate But doing better than the world average
Access to electricity (2010 - 2019)
% of population
Proxy for food storage and distribution capacity
55.3 2010
92.2 2019
36.9 difference
Improve And doing better than the world average
Food production index (2009 - 2018)
Volume of food produced
85.1 2009
109.1 2018
24 difference
Improve And doing better than the world average
Aquaculture production per capita (2009 - 2018)
Proxy for level of agricultural production
7.3 2009
14.9 2018
7.6 difference
Improve And doing better than the world average
Food loss- Total food waste as a percentage of total domestic food supply (2012 - 2021)
% of total domestic food supply
Food loss and waste
5.3 2012
4.8 2021
-0.5 difference
Improve And doing better than the world average
Government commitment to improved Nutritional Standards (2012 - 2021)
Units (0-100 score)
Proxy for promotion of healthy food
76.5 2012
100 2021
23.5 difference
Improve And doing better than the world average
Food safety score (2012 - 2020)
Units (0-100 score)
Proxy for food safety
43.8 2012
56.4 2020
12.6 difference
Improve But doing worse than the world average
Retail value of packaged foods per capita (2017 - 2018)
USD spent on food/person/year
Proxy for convenience foods available
30.2 2017
32.5 2018
2.3 difference
Improve But doing worse than the world average
Consumer Prices, Food Indices (2015 = 100)-the average for all the months from January to December (2011 - 2020)
Affordability of food
81 2011
139.9 2020
58.9 difference
Deteriorate But doing better than the world average
Average dietary energy supply adequacy (2010 - 2019)
percentage (3yr average)
Proxy for in-country food availability
108 2010
114 2019
6 difference
Improve But doing worse than the world average
Urban population (2011 - 2020)
% of population
Characteristics of consumers (proportion of rural dwellers)
31.2 2011
38.2 2020
7 difference
Deteriorate But doing better than the world average
Literacy rate, adult total (2011 - 2020)
% of people >=15 yrs old
Proxy for education level of the population
58.8 2011
74.9 2020
16.1 difference
Improve But doing worse than the world average
Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (2007 - 2016)
% of population
Proxy for economic structure of the population
25.1 2007
14.3 2016
-10.8 difference
Improve But doing worse than the world average
Share of dietary energy supply derived from cereals, roots and tubers (2008 - 2017)
Proxy for consumption of healthy diets
80 2008
78 2017
-2 difference
Unchanged But doing worse than the world average
Retail value of ultra-processed food sales per capita (2017 - 2018)
Proxy for consumption of processed foods
13.3 2017
14.3 2018
1 difference
Deteriorate But doing better than the world average
Gini index (World Bank estimate) (2007 - 2016)
Units (0-100 score)
Proxy for the contribution of the food system to economic inclusion
33.2 2007
32.4 2016
-0.8 difference
Unchanged And doing better than the world average
CPIA gender equality rating (2011 - 2020)
Units (1-6 score)
Proxy for the impacts of the food system on gender equality
3.5 2011
3 2020
-0.5 difference
Deteriorate And doing worse than the world average
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (2011 - 2020)
% of GDP
Proxy for the contribution of the food system to national economy
16.8 2011
12.6 2020
-4.2 difference
Deteriorate But doing better than the world average
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added per worker (constant 2015 US$) (2010 - 2019)
constant 2010 USD/worker
Proxy for financial performance of the food system
928.8 2010
1284.2 2019
355.4 difference
Improve But doing worse than the world average
Prevalence of undernourishment (percent) (3-year average) (2010 - 2019)
% of population
Contribution of the food system to food and nutrition security
15.2 2010
9.7 2019
-5.5 difference
Improve And doing better than the world average
Prevalence of obesity in the adult population (18 years and older) (2007 - 2016)
% of people >=18 yrs old
Impacts of the food system on consumer health
2 2007
3.6 2016
1.6 difference
Deteriorate But doing better than the world average
Percent of national land area with tree cover (2011 - 2020)
% of national land area
Proxy for pressure of the food system on land
13.6 2011
12.5 2020
-1.1 difference
Deteriorate And doing worse than the world average
Emissions (CO2 equivalent), Agriculture total (gigagram =1000MT)/Ha (2009 - 2018)
Proxy for contribution of the food system to climate change
7.9 2009
8.7 2018
0.8 difference
Deteriorate And doing worse than the world average